BK’s Black Bean Burger

BK’s Black Bean Burger

I love burgers. Always have. There are lots of packaged ones you can buy, but I prefer to make my own. Simple recipe, made with 4 ingredients. You can also prep and freeze for later.

 Served with all the fixings on Dave’s Killer Bread.

Zenith’s Inspiration…Meet Chef Houston

Zenith’s Inspiration…Meet Chef Houston

Everything that I have come to love about food cooking, entertaining, and entrepreneurship was influenced by my Dad, Chef Frank Houston.  He has always been the greatest influencer of my passion to create an amazing culinary and dining experience for family, friends, and others. His career, life and legacy continues to provide the inspiration that drives my culinary passion.

BK, So Why Are You Plant Based?

BK, So Why Are You Plant Based?

“So why are you plant based?” I get asked this often. I eat this way for my health.

A 30-day juice challenge back in 2012 was the start and it changed everything for me. I made fresh pressed juice for breakfast every morning and kept adding more days. At some point I no longer had the desire for sugar and other foods that honestly didn’t make me feel good after eating them. I had already stopped eating pork and red meat years before and eventually stopped eating chicken and seafood. In 2016 I became 100% #plantbased. No meat, no eggs, no dairy. People still make comments about me missing out, but I don’t look at it that way at all. I am more creative in the kitchen as I recreate some of my old favorite dishes using ingredients I would have never used before like different mushrooms, jackfruit, banana blossoms and cashew based cheese. Have you ever cooked with any of these?